School’s in Session! Register Now for our September Webinars

School’s in Session! Register Now for our September Webinars

Learn what aACE can do for your business in our September webinars. Last month we covered topics ranging from accounting to shipping to the production floor; here's what's on tap for September:

September 9th – Multi-Entity Accounting

Manage the financials for multiple locations – or even multiple businesses – in a single aACE solution. Take a sneak peek at this topic by checking out our feature highlight before the webinar.

September 11th – Made to Stock Inventory

If you build products to stock according to anticipated consumer demand, this is the webinar for you. Learn how aACE handles MTS inventory from replenishment to cost application and beyond.

September 16th – Timesheet Administration

Discover the many ways to track and record time in aACE. We'll explore time codes, timesheet approval, timesheet management access privileges, and more.

September 18th – Templates, Campaigns, and Rate Cards

Learn how to save time and prevent errors related to duplicate data entry with standardized orders, purchase orders, pricing, and more.

September 30th – aACE Job Shop App

Save time and reduce data entry errors on your production floor with the aACE Job Shop app. Before the webinar, check out our feature highlight and demo video to get an advance look at the app.

We look forward to seeing you in our webinars! Sign up now to reserve your spot.

Streamline Your Order Fulfillment Process – Here’s How

Streamline Your Order Fulfillment Process – Here’s How

If you want to grow your retail or eCommerce business, having the right tools is crucial. As technology continues to evolve, it’s also important to periodically re-evaluate the software your business is using. For example, fulfilling orders can be the most complex, time-consuming part of operations for many companies. If you’re still reconciling orders by hand, read on to learn more about what to look for when it comes to implementing smarter fulfillment solutions.

Order Fulfillment: Outsourcing or In-House?

Order fulfillment is the process of taking orders from customers, processing them, and then shipping the product. There are several ways that businesses can approach this process, each with their own benefits and drawbacks. Considerations like order volume, how much physical space your business has, and available capital are all components in figuring out which fulfillment method will work best for your organization.

The Advantages of Outsourcing Orders

The simplest way for small businesses to break into the eCommerce world is to outsource or “drop ship” their product. For a fixed monthly fee alongside a percentage of sales, a third party company handles processing, packing, and shipping orders. In some cases, these fulfillment companies have access to resources like multiple warehouses in different regions, allowing the product to arrive at the customer’s address faster. This can help your business stay competitive – according to a recent study cited by BigCommerce, more than half of online shoppers say that delivery speed is one of the most important benchmarks when deciding who to order from.

Outsourcing is great for companies without a lot of space or ability to purchase surplus inventory. If you don’t want to learn how to create and manage an inventory system, this may be the right choice for you.

Crucially, outsourcing orders is also a good way to save time⁠ — especially on packing and shipping. Make sure, however, that you’ve read the fine print and decide whether you can afford to absorb the fees associated with drop shipping or want to pass the cost along to customers, potentially making prices less competitive.

It’s also important to consider factors other than pricing if you’re looking for someone to handle your fulfillment needs. Don’t be overwhelmed by how many fulfillment options there are to choose from. It’s easy to narrow your search considerably by looking for providers that are specific to whichever industry you operate in. Don’t rush your search; the company you choose will, in a way, be representing your organization. Finally, don’t be afraid to ask questions: do they guarantee shipping within a certain time frame? What kind of customer service can you expect if something goes wrong? Is international shipping covered? Check reviews from their other customers, too. Sometimes the cheapest solution isn’t the best option.

Keeping Order Fulfillment In-House

If you’re serious about controlling costs, aren’t moving a lot of inventory yet, or don’t want to partner with another business, consider keeping orders in-house. Doing order fulfillment this way does involve more upfront investment, however: namely, purchasing the inventory and having the space to store it.

Additionally, if you want to stay competitive, you’ll need to invest in software to help you receive, process, and ship said inventory. These days, you don’t necessarily have to use separate CRM, accounting, and inventory-management programs. Look into software solutions that actually integrate the fulfillment part of the job into the rest of your business operations. Although there is an upfront cost, integrating all of your operations under one software “umbrella” will ultimately save you time, money, and reduce the number of mistakes caused by manual data entry.

Good order management software can also help you collect and analyze data about your customers’ buying habits, allowing you to make more informed business decisions in the future. Because you’ll be investing not-insignificant time and money into the software you decide to use, make sure you check out a few different options before deciding.

Just as if you were looking to partner with a company to outsource your product, make sure you understand the software’s capabilities as well as the policies of the company that made it. Will you get dedicated customer service if you sign up for an enterprise-level product? How easy are integrations with other digital tools? Is the software agile enough to keep up with new trends coming from emerging technology?

Once you have the right tools, make sure that your inventory is well-organized and stored intuitively (i.e., fastest-moving items are most easily accessible). The aim is to leave time to scale your organization by minimizing the amount spent on locating, packing, and shipping your product.

Order Fulfillment Doesn’t Have to Be Intimidating

Regardless of whether you decide to outsource your orders or keep them in-house, good fulfillment is the bedrock of your business. That’s why it’s important to take the time to thoroughly research your options, be realistic, and calculate which choice is better for you.

Once you’ve decided, you have a whole new set of options: which fulfillment company or what software to use. Don’t be intimidated by all of the choices out there; use the size of your company and the industry you operate in to help narrow it down.

Approach this process with the same open mind and entrepreneurial spirit that led you to start your business, and you’ll be setting yourself up to deliver success.

"aACE transformed our order fulfillment process during implementation by helping us see trouble spots in our processes." - Derek Navratil, Essential Water Solutions

Improve Efficiency, Accuracy with a Workplace Innovation Platform

Improve Efficiency, Accuracy with a Workplace Innovation Platform

Getting ahead in today’s marketplace means constantly evolving to meet your customers’ needs. Shouldn’t your business management solution do the same for you? At aACE Software we believe it should – and that’s why we built our solution on FileMaker, which was recently ranked #1 in Workplace Innovation Platforms by G2 Crowd.

G2 Crowd defines workplace innovation platforms as “high productivity collaborative development tools used… to solve business challenges not addressed by existing systems.” Platforms like FileMaker allow businesses to easily customize solutions to fit their particular needs. Even simple applications make a big difference – FileMaker’s Workplace Innovation Report found that out of over 400 businesses surveyed, 85% reported saving time and money after adopting a workplace innovation platform.

A problem many businesses face is having information siloed in different softwares and spreadsheets that don’t talk to each other – FileMaker’s report shows that 85% of the companies they spoke to reported this issue before they adopted a workplace innovation platform. These statistics back up what our own customers have been saying for years: patchwork solutions are a minefield of lost productivity and preventable data entry errors.

So how can you keep your business from falling into that trap? The first step is to implement a business management solution robust enough to support your core operations. For example, aACE fully integrates accounting, CRM, and ERP to eliminate duplicate data entry and easily share information across departments.

“All of the information we need is now contained and accessible and linked together, so a sales person can click on their order and see when purchase orders are due in or when shipments are due in and what has been ordered,” says Lance Caffrey of American Christmas, a longtime aACE customer.

He adds that the time his company has saved with aACE has had an impressive impact: “Company-wide, the need for internal follow-ups has been reduced by somewhere between 24 and 36 hours per week." Companies surveyed in FileMaker’s report experienced similar success, with 57% revealing that implementing a Workplace Innovation Platform helped their business reduce the amount of time wasted on inefficient tasks by 51 to 100%.

You may find that implementing an end-to-end solution like aACE is all you need to increase the efficiency of your operations and the reliability of your data. But if you have complex processes that are particular to your business, you may benefit from an integrated custom app. FileMaker offers easy-to-follow tutorials for creating your own custom apps, which can be built to suit any workflow. And because aACE is built on the FileMaker platform, integrating an app with your aACE solution is a cinch.

“From a production and an accounting standpoint, I could not ask for a more comprehensive solution,” says Jasmine Crandall of the Midwest Bottling Company about her company's aACE solution. “And because aACE is FileMaker-based, the customization possibilities are limitless. We will never have to alter the way we do business to accommodate our business management solution – instead, our solution is able to change to accommodate our needs as they develop."

Check out our listing in the new FileMaker Marketplace to learn more about why our clients call aACE “the best in everything” and “a critical component to the success of our company.” And to see what aACE can do for your business, join a webinar today.

"aACE software is easy to use, intuitive, logical, and easily customized. It is clear that the architecture of aACE has been very well thought out. We were able to automate some previously manual processes that is resulting in literally hundreds of saved labor hours each month." -Daniel Chapman , Founder & CEO, Redd Remedies
Password Problems: Why We Still Have Them, and What to Do About It

Password Problems: Why We Still Have Them, and What to Do About It

Imagine that you have just purchased a large, million-dollar house. For security’s sake, you install locks on every external door, but they are the same simple locks that you’ve used at every house you’ve ever lived in. Furthermore, you’ve given out copies of the master key to loved ones, some of which weren’t returned. You’ve even lost a key to the house when your bag was stolen next to you on the train.

The situation seems far fetched. Who would install old, easy-to-pick locks with missing spare keys to protect extremely valuable property? The answer: plenty of us, only the valuable property is our online data. Simply put, every time you reuse the same easy-to-remember password, you’re acting like the unwise homeowner discussed above.

Today, passwords protect everything from IRS tax returns to medical records and personal finances. Combined with the near-ubiquity of smartphones and other “smart” devices, this puts nearly all of us⁠—more specifically, our personal information⁠—in a perilous situation. There has never been more personal data online, and hackers are actively looking to exploit this glut.

Lazy Passwords are Not a New Problem

While it’s true that hackers and criminals hailing from all corners of the globe continue to grow in sophistication, there is one extremely simple behavioral change that can drastically reduce how effective such persons are⁠—and it’s been the same since computers became widespread.

Unfortunately, this simple change is something that we modern humans continue to struggle with. How hard could it really be to use longer passwords that don’t repeat? It turns out: quite difficult. Polls have indicated that somewhere between 60-80% of users admit to using the same password for everything. In one study cited in a recent PixelPrivacy article, the majority admitted to doing it even though the respondents knew that their identity could potentially be compromised from repeating their passwords.

While using the same password for everything has been bad security practice since passwords were first invented, the modern landscape of massive data breaches of everything from retail giants to state governments has added a layer of urgency to the situation. The Dark Web is, unfortunately, full of programs that scan these breached usernames and passwords against social media, email, and other logins. This means that the password you use to check your credit score with Experien could be giving hackers access to your Facebook account (or vice versa) if you’ve used the same password for both accounts.

The Good News: Password Tools Exist to Help

So what is to be done? Clearly, the problem is deep-seated if the vast majority of people are all making the same mistake on their computers and smartphones. Fortunately, several tricks also exist to help us overcome our password problems.

Technique 1: Make Strong Passwords. This is more of a precursor to the password management strategies below. Make sure your passwords are strong. Long, random phrases (we’re talking 20 characters) are hardest for computer programs to guess. Make sure you’re using numbers and special characters; there are a few ways to do this in a way that makes passwords stronger without being impossible to remember. For example, you could use old addresses combined with non-number/letter characters; for example, @123 South Main Street Everytown USA!.

Technique 2: Keep it Old School. In this method, you write your passwords down on paper. This technique is simple and easy to do, but you have to keep the paper with you. On the upside, the passwords won’t be found unless your physical home or office is compromised, too.

Technique 3: Use a Password Tool. Use a built-in tool like Apple’s Keychain or 3rd party apps like Lastpass to encrypt and store all of your new long passwords. The advantages: you only have to enter your new passwords once. The disadvantage is that Keychain or Lastpass requires just a single password to access all of your other passwords, so choose carefully.

It’s also important to understand how two-factor authentication works and enable it on your most sensitive accounts wherever possible. Essentially, two-factor authentication requires a second device to gain access to accounts. These days, some companies have moved to make this a standard practice when you’re setting up an account. Two-factor authentication greatly reduces the chance that a hacker will be able to access your bank account or primary email address, both of which could have particularly devastating consequences if hacked.

Strong Passwords are Good For Business

So now that the importance of having a strong password and not repeating it has been laid out in a personal context, it’s important to discuss why businesses need to make sure their employees are also participating in these password best practices. Most companies now use software for every element of operations, and this data getting compromised could have devastating consequences for the whole business, including customers.

Some IT departments now make all employees change their password every 90 days, which is one way to attempt to keep things fresh. Employers might also offer to purchase password management apps for organizations so that everyone’s 90-day password doesn’t just change from “password123” to password321,” which would essentially defeat the point of the exercise.

No matter which technique(s) you and your business use, it’s important to start using stronger password best practices now. It seems that we hear of a new data breach every month, and as mentioned above, the stakes have never been higher, given the outsize role that digital information now plays in our day-to-day lives. For more information on password security, check out this resource from PixelPrivacy.

If this article has you thinking about your business software and wondering if it’s secure enough, it may be time to consider an upgrade. When it comes to centralized business management software, look no further than aACE to provide the solution that your small business needs. Join a webinar today to see what aACE can do for your business.

Along with educating and encouraging all users to develop stronger passwords, aACE Software also recommends partnering with a dedicated firm like Critical Defense to help you not only stay above the competition but protect your valuable data while doing so.

Explore Real-World Workflows in August aACE Webinars

Explore Real-World Workflows in August aACE Webinars

Whether you're a current customer looking to make the most out of your aACE solution or a newcomer interested in exploring what our powerful business management solution can do for you, our August webinars have something for everyone. Register today for the opportunity to ask questions, see aACE in action, and learn how you can take your business to the next level.

Last month, we covered a range of topics from inventory to system administration to CRM and beyond. Here's what's on the calendar for August:

August 7th – Accounts Payable

Learn all about the A/P side of aACE Accounting. Explore how aACE handles purchase orders, disbursements, bill payments, and more.

August 12th – Drop Shipping and Special Orders

See aACE's drop shipping and special order workflows in action. Before the webinar, check out our feature highlight on this topic for a sneak peek.

August 19th – Accounts Receivable

Take a deeper dive into the A/R side of aACE's Accounting suite. Learn how aACE handles invoice tracking, receiving customer payments, revenue recognition, and more.

August 21st – Recurring Transactions

Take an in-depth look at how aACE automates recurring transactions, allowing you to set up automated payments for bills you know are coming regularly. Check out our feature highlight on the subject for a sneak peek before the presentation.

August 26th – Commissions

Learn how aACE's comprehensive commissions tools can help you incentivize your sales team.

August 28th – Production

Your production process has a lot of moving parts, and your business depends on keeping them all running smoothly. Learn how aACE's Job Shop app can help.

We look forward to seeing you in our webinars! Sign up now to reserve your spot.

Dive Deep into Your Data with aACE+ Tableau

Dive Deep into Your Data with aACE+ Tableau

As a business owner, you need to be able to keep tabs on everything that’s happening in your company – from the biggest-picture view right down to the most granular detail. And if that information isn’t organized in a way that’s clear and easily accessible, you may find yourself missing out on critical facts. Wouldn’t it be great if you could combine your vast array of data with easy-to-understand visual layouts?

Now you can do just that with aACE+ Tableau.

Our latest integration is designed to show you the stats you need at a glance, with dashboards that combine multiple data sources into elegant and user-friendly visuals. To better illustrate how aACE+ Tableau can help you understand your company’s data, here are a few of the ways that our fictional company, aACME Education Solutions, uses it in their day-to-day operations – accompanied by real Tableau dashboards from their online Viz Gallery.

Sales Opportunities

Account Manager Mara Harvey needs to know how her sales team is performing, so she turns to Tableau to break down the data. With information taken directly from her company’s aACE solution, she’s able to see sales opportunities and win rates company-wide. In just a few clicks she can drill down by date, location, industry and more.


Product Selection

aACME’s lead buyer, Dominic Alonso, keeps a close eye on changing trends. aACE’s Tableau integration allows him to monitor customer interest in aACME’s products, weigh that interest against the cost of marketing each product, and predict how long a product will remain in demand before customers move on to the next big thing.



As head of aACME’s Shipping department, Kristie Hernandez knows the importance of getting the right products to the right customers at the right time. That’s why she relies on aACE+ Tableau combined with data from her shipping solution to monitor delays and spot carriers with frequent issues.


aACE+ Tableau can help you visualize your company’s essential data, ensuring you always have the information you need to make the right decisions for your business. To see more examples of Tableau in action, check out their Viz Gallery. To learn more about what aACE can do for your SMB, check out our customer success stories or register for an upcoming webinar today.

Register Now to Save Your Spot in Our July Webinars

Register Now to Save Your Spot in Our July Webinars

aACE webinars give you the opportunity to explore real-world workflows, ask questions, and learn whether aACE may be a good fit for your business. Last month, we covered everything from accounting to inventory to timesheet administration. Join us for any or all of these great topics in July:

July 8th – Inventory Reorder Management

Ensure you always have the right number of products at the right time with aACE's smart inventory reorder management tools. And to get a sneak peek at this powerful feature, check out our feature highlight.

July 10th – Cost of Goods Sold

Demystify your cost of goods sold with aACE's advanced tools for COGS reconciliation. Learn about estimated vs. actual cost, how aACE handles products with multiple vendors, when and how to run the COGS process, and more.

July 15th – System Administration

Take an advanced look at aACE system administration. Learn how aACE makes it easy to manage system preferences, user access privileges, and system notices. Our powerful segregation-of-duties tools gives you full control over what your users can see and do.

July 17th – Scheduling (Calendar & Task Groups)

Time is money, so learn how aACE can help your team stay on-task and on-schedule in this webinar. And to get a sneak peek at our calendar and scheduling features, check out our feature highlight and success story on the aACE+ DayBack calendar.

July 22nd – Tax Profiles and aACE+ Avalara AvaTax

Tax season isn’t anyone’s favorite time of year. Fortunately, aACE has you covered through our out-of-the-box tax management infrastructure as well as the aACE+ Avalara AvaTax integration. Learn how aACE takes the guesswork out of tax time.

July 24th – CRM App & Sales Leads

Your sales team is moving fast to keep your customers and prospects engaged, and they need a solution that can keep up – even when they're on the go. Join us as we introduce our CRM App, and learn more about how sales leads move through aACE.

July 29th – Document Management

aACE's document management system allows you to attach files directly to records in aACE, ensuring that you always have the information you need right at your fingertips. And for large files, aACE allows you to link records directly to a folder on your server. Check out our feature highlight and demo video for a sneak peek.

We look forward to seeing you in our webinars! We encourage you to ask questions and join early so you don't miss a moment. Click the button below to reserve your spot.

Automate Recurring Transactions with aACE

Automate Recurring Transactions with aACE

Whether it’s paying the rent, billing for subscription services, or allowing customers to take out a payment plan, most businesses have at least a few transactions that are set to recur regularly. Wouldn’t it be great if you could enter these transactions once and trust your business management solution to do the rest?

With aACE, you can.

aACE’s automated Recurring Transactions module allows you to set and forget your regular transactions. To see this feature in action, let’s take a look at just a few examples of how our fictional company, aACME Education Solutions, uses it in their day-to-day operations.


The Regina County Area School District places an order for 20 tablet computers for their students. Account Manager Mara Harvey receives a call from Lauren Padilla at the school district, asking if they could pay for the tablets in five installments. When aACE auto-generates the order’s invoice, Mara makes a note of the agreement in the Payment Comments field.


When Alexis Kohn in the Accounts Receivable department sees this note, she creates a new customer payment receipt in the Recurring Transactions module. Lauren has agreed to pay each installment via a credit card that’s kept on file, so Alexis configures the transaction to automatically charge that card and post the resulting receipt each month until the invoice has been paid off. Lauren had asked for the payment plan to begin immediately, so Alexis manually runs the first cycle. aACE generates the first receipt and updates the transaction’s schedule so it will run automatically next month.

Recurring Receipt


aACME Education Solutions has just signed a lease on a new office space, and Denise James in the Accounts Payable department needs to set up a recurring transaction for the monthly rent. To do that, she creates a new purchase in the Recurring Transactions module.

Using merge fields, she sets up the title of each purchase to reflect the then-current month and year. Then she configures the record to automatically generate a purchase and disbursement on the first of each month. The disbursement will be left pending, and a member of the A/P team will be notified when it is time to process it and cut the monthly rent check.

Recurring Purchase

General Journal Entries

Pete McNeil, aACME’s Director of Human Resources, processes payroll every two weeks. To manage this data in aACE, he creates a new general journal entry in the Recurring Transactions module.

Because every pay period is slightly different, Pete does not configure the transaction to automatically post the GJ entry once it’s been generated. Instead, the recurring transaction will be used as a template and Pete will fill in the details each time payroll is processed. Because payroll will continue to run indefinitely, he doesn’t set an end date; aACE will continue generating GJ entries every two weeks until someone manually disables the transaction.

Recurring GJ Entry


In addition to selling new and refurbished electronic whiteboards, aACME offers schools the option to rent these expensive products. The Full STEAM Academy Charter School rents three whiteboards for their summer term. To ensure that the revenue for each month’s payment is accounted for correctly, Alexis Kohn in the A/R department creates an invoice in the Recurring Transactions module.

Each month, aACE will generate a new invoice for the monthly rental fee and charge the credit card on file for Full STEAM. The transaction will automatically terminate at the end of the summer. Unlike a recurring receipt, which considered each payment as part of a single transaction, aACE will recognize revenue from the recurring invoices separately.

Recurring Invoice


For customers who buy or lease electronic whiteboards or other tech, aACME offers a service plan for a technician to come onsite and make sure their products are in good working condition. Twice a year, aACE generates an order that automatically appears on the calendar for scheduling, and when the technician goes onsite they have a job ready to apply their time and any materials used on maintenance.

Recurring Order


aACME has funds automatically withdrawn from their operating account each month to pay down a loan. To account for those payments, Denise James in the A/P department creates a recurring disbursement and tests the transaction to ensure that it generates an accurate disbursement record. On the 20th of each month – the date that the loan payments are due – aACE automatically generates and posts a disbursement for the exact amount of the loan payment.

Recurring Disbursement

Purchase Orders

aACME provides resources for educators and school administrators on current best practices in education. To keep up with the demand for new content, they outsource their weekly blog posts to a handful of rotating writers. Denise James creates a recurring purchase order for these posts. Each week aACE automatically generates a PO for that week’s article, which will ultimately be invoiced and published upon delivery.

Recurring PO

These are just a few of the ways that aACME uses the Recurring Transactions in their day-to-day operations. To learn more about how aACE automation can help streamline your business, sign up for a webinar today.

"aACE software is easy to use, intuitive, logical, and easily customized. It is clear that the architecture of aACE has been very well thought out. We were able to automate some previously manual processes that is resulting in literally hundreds of saved labor hours each month." -Daniel Chapman , Founder & CEO, Redd Remedies
Dive Into aACE with Our June Webinars

Dive Into aACE with Our June Webinars

Interested in learning more about aACE? Join our webinars to see real-world workflows in action. Our biweekly presentations give you the opportunity to ask questions and discover how aACE can help streamline your business.

Last month, we covered a variety of topics from mobile apps and integrations to the ins and outs of aACE production. Here's what's on the docket for June:

June 5th – Accounts Receivable

Take a deeper dive into the A/R side of aACE's Accounting suite.

June 10th – Drop Shipping & Special Orders

Learn how aACE handles drop shipping and special ordered products. Before the presentation, check out our feature highlight for a sneak peek.

June 12th – Timesheet Administration

Discover the many ways to track and record time in aACE.

June 17th – Accounts Payable

Learn all about the A/P side of aACE Accounting.

June 19th – Credit Card Purchasing

You've seen Accounts Payable in action; now take a deeper look at how aACE makes it easy to use credit cards for purchasing.

June 24th – Serialized and Lot-Tracked Inventory

Get an in-depth view of how aACE makes it easy to track inventory by lot and serial numbers. Check out our feature highlight before the presentation, then join us for more real-world examples.

June 26th – Templates, Campaigns, and Rate Cards

Save time and prevent errors related to duplicate data entry with standardized orders, purchase orders, pricing, and more.

We look forward to seeing you in our webinars! We encourage you to ask questions and come early so you don't miss a moment. Click the button below to reserve your spot.